We understand that it can be frustrating when online interactions become difficult. In case of any trouble, please make sure to contact us first so we can assist accordingly prior to taking any actions which may lead you to uncomfortable situations.
If you come across a content, which may be upsetting for you, please make sure you are aware of the main context as everyone in Smule has the freedom of expression and is free to share their passions and interests. Review all information related to the post or the full profile of the person who shared the post to understand the whole story. In case the content oversteps our rules and guidelines, you can report it so we can investigate the situation.
When you receive unwanted communication from another person, consider blocking the person and ending the communication. Specifically, this will prevent that person from following you or searching for your profile.
In case any conflict goes to far and you need help, please feel free to contact us and share more about the situation so we can take the appropriate actions and assist you.