Why is Smule making changes to its content storage?
We’re humbled and grateful that our incredible community has been singing on Smule for 15 years. Over time, we’ve accumulated billions of recordings, and our storage capacity is under significant pressure. We need to make changes to address the storage constraints and ensure the sustainability of our platform. In doing so, we’ll free up more space for new recordings, and it will allow us to continue investing in and adapting new technology to improve your Smule experience.
When will these changes take place?
We’ll begin our storage cleanup efforts in mid-January 2024. This phase of the project is technical and time-intensive, so it’ll take a few months.
Whose content will be impacted by these changes?
Our team has established well-defined criteria, with the goal of limiting disruption to our active Smule community members.
The changes will impact users who use Smule for free and have been inactive for more than one year. Our current VIP users’ recordings will not be impacted, regardless of whether there has been any recent activity on them.
What content will be removed?
The recordings that are subject to removal will not have been listened to or joined by any Smule users in the last year. At this time, our team is only considering solos and duets; group joins are not being considered for removal.
As a non-VIP user, how can I preserve my recordings?
The most reliable approach to save your recordings is to upgrade to VIP before January 2024. In addition to safeguarding your content, you’ll gain access to a range of premium features, including unlimited solos, the ability to start your own duet and group recordings, full songbook access, no ads, and profile customizations that enhance your experience.
If upgrading to VIP isn’t an option for you, we recommend logging into your account to actively participate.
How can I preserve the recordings of someone I care about who has passed away?
We understand how special these recordings are, and want to do what we can to help save them. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for us to proactively preserve them because we have no way of confirming which accounts are owned by someone who has passed on.
Our best advice is for you to actively engage with these performances, by joining, commenting, liking and listening to them.
You can learn more about the content storage changes in our blog post. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us at support@smule.com.