Submit a request

Tell us about a problem you'd like to report or feedback that you have about your experience with Smule.
Please select the category that best describes your issue below.

Submit your original song, plus your invite recording of that song for a chance to be featured in our Smule for Artists program! Selected artists will be granted a free VIP subscription, have their invite expiration extended indefinitely, and be featured in the Emerging Creators playlist.

Not sure how to do this? Go here: and search for your artist/song name, then click on the appropriate arrangement. This URL should start with ""

Not sure how to do this? Go to your Smule profile on the web, make sure you're on the "Recordings" tab, and locate your Solo. The URL should start with "" Make sure you sing all the words - this is how Smule users will learn your song!

Not sure how to do this? Go to your Smule profile on the web, make sure you're on the "Recordings" tab, and locate your invite. The URL should start with ""

Please enter the details of your request and as much information as possible. Don't forget to include your Smule username, device, or screenshots if they apply to your request. A member of our staff will respond as soon as possible.

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